Thursday, March 8, 2007


Gema from Barcelona says in Spanish:

Puede algo ser bello?

Claro que puede.. aunque la belleza es algo que cada uno lo designa segun sus criterios. Para una persona algo puede ser bello, en cambio para otra puede que no lo sea. Dependiendo de los gustos y criterios de cada persona, unos escogerian como belleza unas cosas y otros otras. Pero la belleza existe.

In English this means! (my spanish are good but not so good)

Can anything to be beautiful?

Clearly that is able.. although the beauty is something that each one appoints with his own criteria. For a person something can be beautiful, on the other hand for another that thing may not be not. Depending on the inclinations and criteria of each person, some characterize as beauty some things that some other may not. But the beauty exists.

thank you GEMA

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